
30 July 2008

Hello To You, Philip.

Philip Lim holds a very dear-and very large, might I add-portion of my heart. I remember only a year or so ago looking at the most beautiful khaki jacket I had ever laid eyes upon in the Lincoln Park Barney's Co-Op; proof that love at first sight is possible. Additionally, I became completely infatuated when the young designer unveiled his "Go Green Go'' line. Really now, paying $209 for a gorgeous, eco-friendly designer dress is quite reasonable.

Here's a jacket from the Go Green Go line- darling, isn't it?

The Fall '08 line looks more mature than his previous creations, but gorgeous nonetheless. A wide range of fabrics-from chunky knits, silk, velvet, brocade and cotton, among others-were used which created the perfect contrast in all outfits. One thing I noticed in particular was the contrasting length of a high-waisted pencil skirt (my newest obsession) and a lengthy cardigan.

Is this not darling? Perfect contrast of fabrics and length. Decadent.

The mixture of a chunky necklace, a sheer, high-waisted skirt and a simple t-shirt is gorgeous. I cannot get enough of this look.

This is my ideal sweater. I have a complete obsession with oversized v-neck sweaters right now, and yellow is my favorite color. Need I say more?

This is adorable. The gothic, nerdy-chicness of it all is all that is glory in my book.

Stay classy, my darlings.

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